A 12-step program is a peer-based mutual aid program for alcoholism, drug abuse, and other addictive and dysfunctional behaviors. It is designed to help individuals overcome addiction, avoid triggers, and live a healthy and productive life. The 12 Steps were created by the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous to establish guidelines for overcoming an alcohol addiction. This program was so successful that other addiction support groups adapted the steps to their specific substance or addictive behavior.
The Twelve Steps, originated by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), is a spiritual basis for personal recovery from the effects of alcoholism, both for the person who consumes alcohol and for their friends and family in Al-Anon family groups. The 12 steps are also used in recovery programs for addictions other than alcohol. Additionally, you can read about the Twelve Traditions, which are the spiritual principles behind the 12 steps. A 12-step program is a set of principles that helps individuals suffering from alcohol abuse and addiction by providing individual action measures. In their original form, the 12 steps came from a spiritual and Christian inspiration seeking the help of a greater power, as well as from peers suffering from the same struggles of addiction.
Others have put forward similar ideas to integrate the basic ideas of the 12 steps into a cultural framework that makes sense to members of that culture. Starting to participate in 12 steps while undergoing treatment, especially in group meetings held in the treatment program, and attending 12 steps at the same time as one enrolls in specialized treatment, are associated with better outcomes. As such, there are opportunities to try to inform the substance abuser about the availability and potential benefits of 12-step programs. The 12-step program aims to help individuals achieve abstinence from substance use disorders or make behavior change through peer support. A sponsor is a person with more experience in recovery who guides the least experienced aspirant (sponsor) through the twelve steps of the program. Twelve-step methods have been adapted to address a wide range of alcoholism, substance abuse and dependence problems. They also tend to be less aware of the positive outcomes associated with participating in 12-step programs.
In fact, most participants find that as they grow in their recovery, they will need to review some steps or even tackle more than one step at a time. Twelve-step programs are mutual aid organizations with the purpose of recovering from substance addictions, behavioral addictions, and compulsions. Twelve-step programs provide a safe and supportive environment where people can talk about their substance use problems with people in similar situations. Twelve-step meetings are considered the community part of AA mutual support groups, where people come together and share their experiences. Although the original Twelve Steps of AA have been adapted over time, the premise of each step remains the same for all recovery programs that use a 12-step model. Self-help groups based on this philosophy describe 12 consecutive activities, or steps, that substance abusers must accomplish during the recovery process.
The 12 Traditions speak to the members of Alcoholics Anonymous as a group, unlike the 12 Steps, which focus on the individual.